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Top Wedge Heels
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Click to see droid1959’s picdroid19599.30
Click to see chakakan’s picchakakan9.22
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Top Toe Cleavage shots
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Upgrade Requests: Need an upgrade?

Forums > Upgrade Requests > Need an upgrade? [6 Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 >> ] (221 messages)

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Posts: 543
There are two ways to upgrade your Membership and unlock all of the site.
1. A paid upgrade - this helps support the hotshoeshots running costs and is really appreciated. Go to the Upgrade Page for more info.
2. A free upgrade by posting 20 plus original pictures.

Before requesting a free upgrade please check the following:
1.You have 20+ pictures in your profile.
2. They are all your own original images If you post web finds or other members images the other members will be quick to say so and you will be deleted altogether.
3. The images are big enough - visit your own profile to check.
Once you are sure that you have fulfilled the above criteria either send an email to admin or POST IN THIS FORUM.
Note that requesting an upgrade by leaving a comment on my profile will not get a quick result, post here for immediate attention.
Note: Shoejack will automatically upgrade memberships as he spots them, but sometimes he will miss profiles during really busy times.
Premium Member

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Posts: 47
We love the site and enjoyed taking photos for it, we now have 23 photos so far, and will definitely be adding more, can we have an upgrade please.

M & J

Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I already have 21 pictures in my picture profile. I think everything is ok, so can you please upgrade me?

Membership upgraded freshi

Thank you!! I looove this site!
Premium Member

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Posts: 74
i've posted 22 of my pix (all my own work) on your great site. Please upgrade me when you get time.

Many thanx
Gold Member

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Posts: 13
G'day mate, we have been members for a while now and contributed to the site in paid upgrades, we now have 20 plus original pics on our profile.
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
This site is so special... We loved it...
Premium Member

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Posts: 2
Hi Shoejack,

I have posted 21 of my own images and more to cum, can you please upgrade me???

Premium Member

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Posts: 7
Please upgrade me. I have 28 original pictures and at least 2 incoming messages I want to reply to.
Thanks for all your dedication.
Premium Member

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Posts: 3
Hi I've uploaded me playing with shoes and cumming in one pointy toe heel, could I have an upgrade please. I'm so happy I've found this place on the net I didn't think such a shoe lover forum existed.
premium Member

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Posts: 1
I think I've done everything needed to start enjoy full experience of this site. Please upgrade me, I´m really anxious.

Thanks in advance.
Premium Member

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Posts: 34
Long term partial member, finally got the 20 originals up.

Why can't people see this forum for requests instead of making them in "stories" or "heel bar"...
Premim Member

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Posts: 2
hey shoejack.. over 20 pics are posted please upgrade me to premium.. this site is so beautiful :-)))
Premium Member

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Posts: 2
We love the site and need our fix! Please upgrade us! We just posted 20 pics today. Thanks!
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I love the site and have added 21photos so far, can I have an upgrade please.
Premium Member

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Posts: 3
Been a member on this site for about a year now, and now that I have some time to devote in actually getting pictures, i'd like to upgrade my account.

Many thanks, and great work with the site.
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
Hi, I've been surfing through this site for quite a while and feel like to add my own contributions.

The photos are mainly from my wife and her sister. Later on I'll surely add more pictures.

Please upgrade my membership. Thanks!

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Posts: 15
love this site! i've posted 20 original pictures and plan to contribute more...
upgrade please?
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
Hi, Can I request an upgrade please.
Many thanks for a great site.
Premium Member

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Posts: 5
I have posted 27 pics, and will have many more!!! Upgrade me please! By the way, awesome idea for a site!
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I have posted 25 pictures and will post man more... Also can I post video? Please upgade me as soon as you have a chance and thanks for the great site
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
upgrade me onegaaii *-*
I finished my image post for now, but soon will be sending more. I loved this site, nor knew existed.
It may seem professional, but all my right, i guarantee

Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I have joined the community, posted some 25 new, original pictures.

Please upgrade me!

Thanks, and congratulations for this site!
Premium Member

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Posts: 19
I've posted 21 selfmade pics in this awesome site. I really like a lot this one.
Could you upgrade me?
Premium Member

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Posts: 19
Thanks a lot!
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
Hi everyone... posted new pics, is there an upgrade for me too ? Thanks.
Premium Member

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Posts: 2
hi i have uploaded 21 pics and want to contniue as i take more plaese check and upgrade me thanks .
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I'm looking forward to an Upgrade. Awesome site!!
Premium Member

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Posts: 1

could you please upgrade me. I have put 21 pics in my folder and have plenty of original material to post.

thank you for what looks like a great site
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
whew after several years long finally Ive got enough photos :) the excitement of taking these pictures, most importantly "borrowing" the shoes stealthily made it all worth it. I request an upgrade please, thanks.
Site Assistant

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Posts: 35
hey i really love the site, im glad i finally found a site community that is relevent to my fetish! i gladly posted 21 personal pics and would like to b upgraded plz. id really appreciate it! more pixs to come soon.plz help
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I do believe I have posted the necessary 20 pics or which all are my own so I am ready for my upgrade please.
Thanks in advance!
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
have now 20+ pics posted - would love an upgrade for this wonderful site !!!
Premium Member

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Posts: 7
Please upgrade me to Premium. I have posted 20+ pictures. You have an awesome site. Many thanks for creating it.
Premium Member

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Posts: 110
Hi, First- thank you, thank you, thank you for this site! I can't wait to see the other members and make new friends!
Thanks again!
Premium Member

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Posts: 2
Hi Shoejack,

I ADORE your site and have posted 20 originals. Would you be kind enough to please upgrade me? Thanks in advance.
Premium Member

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Posts: 1
I've posted 21 pictures that i've taken myself, please can I get my account upgraded. I've only just come across this site today and love what i see so far!
Premium Member

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Posts: 20
21 pics on my page.. can I please get an upgrade so I can reply to messages.


Premium Member

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Posts: 2
i have paid a year membership last year and i loved it...ive uploaded 20 of my pictures and would like to be upgraded again please
Premium Member

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Posts: 2
i've posted 22 of my pictures (all my own work) on this great website. Please upgrade me when you get time.

Cheers & Thank You
Premium Member

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Posts: 3
Hi, can you please upgrade my account, I have 25 of my own pictures up and will be putting more up as soon as I take them.
Thank you

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